Speculative Fiction
Pledge of author Lorenzo Samuel: To write speculative fiction stories that present men and women enhancing and expanding their survival and power. To encourage readers to recreate themselves as they wish and raise the opposite sex, as well as themselves, to higher responsibility.
Welcome to this speculative fiction site. My name is Lorenzo Samuel. My writings soar, inspired by the wondrous theme of a poem written by the Romantic era poet William Blake several hundred years ago:
O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
From the poem we learn that Blake warns us of the invisible worm that flies in the night. If we do nothing about this worm, its threatened action will destroy us. Men and women must be vigilant together to defeat the worm and what it represents.
Identify the worm as you wish. In my writing I have chosen to present both men and women in their true courageous lights through the broad genre of speculative fiction. I challenge my characters with one or more of the threats of the worm.
None of my protagonists lack courage in their circumstances, but perhaps like many of you, they have been restrained for being who they are. Opportunities have passed them by for no better reason. To them, however, I have given a challenge or more to overcome, to face the worm, so to speak
Sample Writings, Writers' Advice Blog and Rest of the Site
My writings transcend their bounds and surge to challenges of adventurous freedom. My protagonists must work for this. "Freedom is not free," relates the young son in the story "Jefferson Davis Day." Get valuable tips on writing and reading speculative fiction throughout the site. I invite you to sign up for my Writers' Advice Blog. It is aimed at writers and readers who enjoy speculative fiction. Join with me in our pursuit of a worthy enterprise. Share trials, failures and successes; even contribute to the result.
Navigate as you wish: "Home" to welcome and introduce you to the site. "FAQ" for frequently asked questions on writing and blogging, the very ones I asked myself in getting started. "Books" to showcase what I've published. "Sample Writings" to get a free read and an indication of my style. "Bio and Contact" to find out a little about me and my background and to provide a way for you to contact me.
The author Ernest Hemingway was famous for writing his stories in pithy prose. Although I don't write like him, he hangs over my left shoulder whenever I work on a story.
I wish that you read something on the site or in the blog that you can use. Let's get in communication. Use the form below to message me about anything, and I will answer you asap.